Owl Guide You®
Owls in My Life
I’ve always loved animals. Owls have become especially meaningful for me since my mother passed on and got her own set of wings. One morning, while she was in hospice, she said “Does this make sense to you – that I finished my owl last night?” Maybe the owl was her totem as she was preparing to cross over…who knows?
The following year, my husband and I moved into a home surrounded by a wonderland of wildlife. We put up various bird boxes, bird baths, and a large water trough with a trail cam.
We often heard the sweet whistling hoots of Western Screech Owls nearby (they don’t actually screech…click here to listen to their call), yet our owl box stayed vacant for a few years. Then, at dusk on Mother’s Day, I had a distinct urge to go look at the owl box. I was greeted by a stunning owl looking straight at me. We delighted in watching her and her 2 owlets that Spring.

Jump ahead to the arrival of 2020; a year titled for vision and clarity… little did we know how exactly that would show up. Amidst the changing times, one of the ways I found peace of mind is when I would say hello to another Western Screech Owl who claimed the box at the end of 2019, and for most of 2020, peeked out at dusk to greet us.

The following summer, I saw this owl looking out at me, just minutes after I had officially finalized a huge transition in my life. It was mid-afternoon, which was a very unusual time for the owl to peek out. Seeing those eyes focused on me, I couldn't help but feel an extra sense of peace with what may lie ahead.
Below are 3 different species of owls (Western Screech Owl, Barn Owl, and Great Horned Owl) who have visited us and kindly posed for some photos...

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Behind the Scenes
I named the owl in my logo 'Grace' since she’s a reflection of me; and my name, Charis, is derived from a Greek word meaning Grace.
Owls, hawks, and raccoons love to bathe in our water trough. We also get many other visitors, including foxes, jackrabbits, deer, turkeys, squirrels, skunks, and an occasional coyote or bobcat.