Charis Chats with Sarah Parise – Simple Self-Care for Busy Moms

Feb 01, 2024
Charis Santillie recording a podcast episode with Sarah Parise
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Meet Sarah Parise, an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, Yoga Instructor, business owner, and, most importantly, a mother. Driven by her passion to support fellow moms in prioritizing self-care, Sarah has crafted a business focused on dedicating just 2% of the day to personal well-being.

In this episode, Charis Santillie engages in a heartfelt conversation with Sarah Parise, exploring various facets of Sarah's wellness journey and her impactful 12-week program designed specifically for moms.

What you'll learn

  • Sarah shares her personal story, emphasizing the importance of self-care and health
  • Discussing the significance of making healthy choices and managing decision fatigue
  • Delving into Sarah's self-care practices, family life, and the secret to managing a busy schedule
  • Unveiling Sarah's journey to recovery and insights into her 12-week wellness program 

Dive into this inspiring conversation, discover Sarah's valuable resources, and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being as a busy mom.

"You can fit in self-care in less than 2 percent of the day.”

– Sarah Parise

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