Charis Chats with Wendy Harrop – Say Yes to Yourself!

charis chats Feb 19, 2024
Charis Santillie recording a podcast episode with Wendy Harrop
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Meet Wendy Harrop, who curates opportunities for women to say YES to themselves through workshops, retreats, and farm stays at her historic B&B on a small flower farm in rural MA and on culinary trips to France. She is also the host of the “say YES to yourself!” podcast. 

In this episode, Charis Chats with Wendy about empowering ourselves to listen to our inner voices, acknowledge our desires, and take leaps of faith. The secret is to say YES to yourself. Their conversation will inspire you to chase your ambitions, enjoying the ride without getting caught up in the hurdles that stand in your way.

What you'll learn

  • Hear Wendy's journey of self-permission and personal growth
  • Discover strategies for fostering healthy relationships amidst life's challenges
  • Explore the importance of detaching from outcomes and embracing life's uncertainties
  • Gain practical advice on how to say YES to yourself

"I'm holding space for people that are holding space for themselves. And it's just such a beautiful gift.”

– Wendy Harrop

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